Lick Run Site Revitalization

Lick Run Site Revitalization

The former CeeBreeze Nursing Home was an abandoned property with a history of flooding and flood damage, due to being built in the floodway of Lick Run. The goals of this project were to remove the flood damaged building, restore the property to open space, and create a green space that can be enjoyed from the Lick Run Greenway as well as Brown Robertson Park.

The project was primarily funded through FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation grant program. This program leverages 75% federal and 25% local funds to assist in mitigation of residential and commercial structures that have experienced flooding issues, or are at a high flood risk based on location in the floodplain/floodway.

Phase I: Property Acquisition, Community Engagement, and Demolition

The 5.4-acre property was purchased in March 2022. Prior to demolition, City staff and the local community began the process of envisioning the future of the site. A survey was implemented to provide the community with a list of options that conform with the land (deed) restrictions, and to gain insight on how the community and surrounding neighborhood envisions the future of the former CeeBreeze property.

The bi-lingual survey (English and Spanish) was advertised through local news, social media, and direct mailings to approximately 1,300 residents that live within a 10-minute walking distance to the former CeeBreeze property. The survey was open from April-July 2022 and an open-house style community meeting was held at the site in April. Meeting attendees from the surrounding neighborhood were able to engage with City staff, ask questions about the grant program and land development restrictions, and complete electronic or paper versions of the community survey.

A total of 173 responses were submitted via mail (115) and online (58). A summary of results are shown on the “Survey Results” tab. The results indicated that the most desirable options are flowers and trees, picnic benches, and a pollinator/wildflower meadow.

Demolition of the former CeeBreeze property was completed July 2022.

Phase II: Site Design and Restoration

Phase II involved contacting a design team to create a planting plan for the open space to include native trees, perennial flowers, and a healthy pollinator meadow. Stormwater staff planted trees and seeded the meadow during the Utility’s annual spring cleanup on April 13, 2023. Larger ball and burlap tree plantings are anticipated for Fall 2023.

Greenway users and especially the Melrose-Rugby and Washington Park neighborhoods will see this site transform over the years; from a seeded lawn and sapling-covered hillside, to a thriving pollinator meadow and mature native forest. The Stormwater Utility is committed to the long-term care and maintenance of this site to ensure the success of this natural evolution.

Survey Results

A total of 173 responses were submitted via mail (115) and online (58) between April-July 2022. A summary of the results are shown below, with the percentages out of the total 173 respondents shown. The results indicate that the most desirable options are flowers and trees, picnic benches, and a pollinator/wildflower meadow.

Response to Question: “What would you like to see in this space?”.

Note that percentages do not sum to 100% as respondents could choose as multiple options.

Response Count Percentage
Flowers and trees 109 63.0%
Picnic benches 91 52.6%
Pollinator/wildflower meadow 67 38.7%
Open Space 47 27.1%
Public art installation(s) 45 26.0%

Results of the survey indicated a dislike for dense, overhanging vegetation and highlighted concerns about safety particularly at night when the area is not well-lit. Overall, the survey generally pointed to a desire for planned trees and wildflower/pollinating plants.

Public Engagement on the Lick Run Greenway


Demolition of CeeBreeze

Demolition Time-Lapse

After Demolition


Post-Demolition Aerial Footage

Planting New Trees


Establishment of Native Pollinator Meadow


Questions or Concerns?

Please contact the Stormwater Utility


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While you’re here…

We are currently seeking community feedback for the following projects. Please take a minute and share your ideas!

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