
Heat Ready Roanoke

Climate change is one of the most important issues of our time and has major health and healthcare implications. Heatwaves are one of the most dangerous of all weather-related disasters. Climate change will increase their frequency, duration, and intensity. Heat exposure and health risks are closely linked to the built environment of cities [...]

Flood Resilience Planning

What is Resilience Planning? Urban resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from unexpected shocks associated with natural hazards and climate change. Building resilience to these risks can be dealt with most effectively through strengthened urban planning and management. What is the City doing to Build Resilience in the Community? In [...]

Lick Run Site Revitalization

Lick Run Site Revitalization The former CeeBreeze Nursing Home was an abandoned property with a history of flooding and flood damage, due to being built in the floodway of Lick Run. The goals of this project were to remove the flood damaged building, restore the property to open space, and create a green [...]

Brownfield Redevelopment Program

What is the Brownfield Redevelopment Program? Roanoke’s Brownfield Redevelopment Program is a component of the City’s efforts to encourage investment in and rejuvenation of its core neighborhoods. Brownfields are properties that have actual or perceived environmental impacts which complicate their future use or development. The Brownfield Program is a [...]

Stormwater Communication Assessment

Roanoke Stormwater's goal is to transform our waterways into community assets, focal points, and a source of pride for those that live, work, learn, and play in the Upper Roanoke River Watershed. In order to accomplish this goal, Stormwater has developed a few communication strategies to get important messages about water quality and [...]

2018 Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

Each year, the City of Roanoke's Office of Emergency Management performs a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment to determine what concerns citizens and businesses may have. This survey also measures the community's sense of preparedness related to hazards. The 2018 FEMA Hazard Vulnerability Assessment survey for Roanoke, Virginia has closed. If you have any questions [...]

Parks and Recreation Master Plan

#Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan The City of Roanoke's Department of Parks and Recreation is developing a new five-year Master Plan. In March, 2018, they held community feedback meetings and later in the Spring, they sought input from a digital survey. View Master Plan Project 2013 - 2018 Plan [...]

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