Traffic Safety Campaigns

Together we can keep each other safe

Every year, too many pedestrians are involved in crashes or close calls with cars. Walking and biking in Roanoke should be safe, not scary. Drivers slowing down and stopping at crosswalks and corners leads to fewer crashes, fewer injuries, and fewer deaths. To help keep each other safe, the City of Roanoke launched a traffic safety campaign on June 10, 2024 to help reduce the number of pedestrians involved in crashes by increasing driver adherence to crosswalk laws and speed limits.

The campaign wrapped up on July 21. Thank you to everyone who participated, and to the nearly 200 people who ordered yard signs!

Use the menu to the left to learn more about the campaign, read our blog series, and see below for ways you can still get involved.

Get Involved

  1. Order Materials: Campaign yard signs and posters are available to pick-up through our online form. 
  2. Stay in the Loop: Sign up for our email list for updates and visit our website for timely traffic safety education.  

Keep Each Other Safe Campaign Materials

This toolkit is intended for families, school administrators, and teachers who want to support students in walking or rolling (biking, skating, traveling by wheelchair) to school regularly or want to plan a schoolwide Walk & Roll event.

Download the Toolkit

Special thanks to Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV) for directing and producing these videos.

Instagram graphic that says,

Instagram graphic – Download

Change Lanes to Pass Campaign Materials

School Zone Safety Campaign Materials

Special thanks to Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV) for directing and producing these videos.

Social Media Graphic – Download

Order a No Need to Speed(R) – Keep Students Safe yard sign. You are welcome to keep your yard signs for as long as you’d like, but if you want to return them please return them at the City Transportation Division: 1802 Courtland Rd NE.

No Need to Speed Campaign Materials

Special thanks to Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV) for directing and producing these videos and to Kat Pascal, Leola Eduards, Luke Pridy, Garrett Brumfield, Rachel Ruhlen, Ana Anderson, Viana and Joana Garland for participating in the videos.

Every week, the campaign focused on a different quadrant in the City to spread awareness about the dangers of speeding. Hear from neighbors all across the city about why this campaign is important to them:

“No Need to Speed” yard signs were used as an engagement tool during the duration of the pedestrian safety campaign. You are welcome to keep your yard signs, but if you want to return them please return them at the City Transportation Division: 1802 Courtland Rd NE.

Every Corner is a Crosswalk Campaign Materials

The Roanoke Pedestrian Safety Campaign kicked off on July 17 with a Facebook Live Event. The event included videos from local and national organizations with a variety of pedestrian safety tips and historical tidbits. These videos and more are shared here.  Take a look and help to spread the word by posting and sharing the videos, using #RoanokePedestrianSafety

In Virginia, every corner is a crosswalk whether it's painted or not. Drivers: Stop at the corner. Pedestrians: Cross at the corner.

St Andrews – Download

Memorial Bridge Image

Memorial Bridge – Download

Every Corner is a crosswalk yard sign“Every Corner is a Crosswalk” yard signs were used as an engagement tool during the duration of the pedestrian safety campaign. The City of Roanoke staff will be picking up yard signs that are in City right-of-way during the month of September.  You are welcome to keep your yard signs for as long as you’d like, but we ask you to remove them from the City right-of-way.

If you want to return your yard sign please contact Andrea Garland at to pick them up.

Campaign Press Release

Posted on: July 14, 2020

The city of Roanoke Launches “Every Corner is a Crosswalk” Pedestrian Safety Campaign

The goal is to reduce vehicle crashes involving pedestrians;

Virtual kickoff event planned for Friday, July 17

More people venturing out as the economy reopens means more summertime pedestrians on the city’s sidewalks and streets. But that also increases the chances of pedestrians being struck by vehicles. It’s more important than ever to pay attention to pedestrian safety, and so the City of Roanoke this week is launching a new pedestrian safety campaign: “Every Corner is a Crosswalk.” The goal is for people who drive to follow the law and stop for pedestrians at painted and un-painted crosswalks and for pedestrians to be predictable by crossing at the corner or a designated crosswalk throughout Roanoke. Read More

Keep Each Other Safe Campaign Details

The 2024 Roanoke Traffic Safety Campaign ended on July 21, 2024. The campaign, led by the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, ran for six weeks, with the goal of reducing the number of pedestrians involved in crashes by increasing driver adherence to crosswalk laws and speed limits. 

The Keep Each Other Safe campaign included a mix of campaign activities including paid, donated, and earned media to raise awareness of the campaign. The campaign also included a blog series to educate community members about timely traffic safety issues.

The campaign’s final report and summary one-pager are available below.

Change Lanes to Pass Campaign Details

The 2023 Roanoke Traffic Safety Campaign ended on July 21, 2023. The campaign, led by the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, ran for six weeks, with the goals of reducing car and bicycle collisions, and increasing awareness of the change lanes to pass law and the requirement to give 3’ minimum when passing.

The Change Lanes to Pass campaign included a mix of campaign activities including paid, donated, and earned media to raise awareness of the campaign. The campaign also included community engagement activities intended to encourage community members’ involvement in the campaign and help the campaign reach more people.

The campaign’s final report and summary one-pager are available below.

School Zone Safety Campaign Details

The 2022 Roanoke Pedestrian Safety Campaign ended on May 27, 2022. The campaign, led by the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, ran for six weeks, with the goals of reducing speeding and improving pedestrian safety near school zones.

The campaign’s final report and summary one-pager are available below.

No Need to Speed Campaign Details

Street safety is more important than ever. Slower driving leads to fewer crashes and fewer deaths and injuries. To help reduce speeding and decrease speed-related crashes, the City of Roanoke received a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicle grant to create the second phase of the citywide pedestrian safety campaign, called No Need to Speed. The campaign ran from June 21 to August 15, 2021 with the goals of:

  • Reduce speeding and speed-related crashes
  • Increase awareness of speeding as a pedestrian safety issue

Thank you to the following organizations for helping to promote this campaign:

  • Roanoke Valley Television (RVTV)
  • Roanoke City Schools
  • RIDE Solutions
  • Roanoke City Police Department
  • Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission
  • Black Lantern Inn
  • Roanoke Public Libraries
  • Greater Deyerle Neighborhood Association
  • Southeast Action Forum
  • Noble Neighborhood Watch
  • Greater Grandview Neighborhood Association
  • OSW, Inc. Neighborhood Organization
  • Farmburguesa
  • Woodrow Wilson Middle School
  • Noel C. Taylor Learning Academy
  • Lincoln Terrace Elementary School
  • Fairview Elementary School
  • Monterey Elementary School
  • Fishburn Park School
  • Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

City of Roanoke staff analyzed crash data to identify and prioritize locations to focus on in the No Need to Speed campaign. Although the campaign aims to reach residents citywide, the selected corridors provided a basis for the campaign approach and locations for traffic speed studies. The City of Roanoke staff will conduct traffic speed studies at each of the ten locations (shown on the map below) before and after the campaign to determine the campaign’s impact on traffic speeds.

Map of the City of Roanoke streets highlighting the 10 priority corridors selected for the 2021 Speed Awareness campaign

The No Need to Speed Campaign includes a mix of campaign activities including paid, donated, and earned media to raise awareness of the campaign. The campaign also includes community engagement activities intended to deepen community members’ involvement in the campaign and help the campaign reach more people.

The No Need to Speed campaign ended on August 15, 2021. The campaign’s final report and summary one-pager are available below.

Every Corner is a Crosswalk Campaign Details

In the City of Roanoke, too many pedestrians are hurt or killed in crashes with cars. To help decrease pedestrian-involved crashes, the City of Roanoke applied for and received a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles grant to create a citywide pedestrian safety campaign. The eight-week campaign ran from July 13 – September 4, 2020, with the goals of:

  •       Reducing the number of crashes between vehicles and people walking
  •       Increasing compliance with Virginia state law at crosswalks for both drivers and pedestrians
City of Roanoke map displaying pedestrians related crashes between 2014-2017-

Pedestrian Crash Map

Click here to see a map of where there were pedestrian-involved crashes between 2014 and 2018.

The Roanoke Pedestrian Safety Campaign included a mix of paid media and community outreach to reach people who live or work in the City of Roanoke. Campaign materials aimed to increase awareness of an important part of Virginia law: that in Virginia, every corner is a crosswalk, whether it’s painted or not.

Campaign materials included:

  • The radio
  • TV
  • Valley Metro buses
  • Berglund Center Marquees
  • Communications from City agencies and local businesses
  • Yard signs and posters throughout the community

In 2020, The City of Roanoke hosted a Art Contest where residents of all ages were invited to submit designs to have their artwork placed as a vinyl wrap over a signal cabinet. Congratulations to the 2020 winners:

  • Carly Almarez
  • Renae Dower
  • Molly Kernan
  • Hannah Wheeler
  • Sunni Purviance
  • Eliza Kraus

The Roanoke Pedestrian Safety media campaign ended on September 30, 2020. We will continue to spread the word on pedestrian safety with our social media and infrastructure projects. The campaign’s final report and summary one-pager are available below.

For Drivers

Traffic Speed Laws

A speed limit is the maximum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions. You may drive slower than the speed limit, if you don’t impede the normal movement of traffic, but it is illegal to drive any faster. 

The maximum speed limit is fifteen miles per hour in most school zones in the City of Roanoke. Drivers may receive a fine of up to $250 if they exceed the speed limit in a school zone. VA Code 46.2-873. Learn more here 

Crosswalk Law for Drivers

Virginia law requires people driving to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk, whether it is painted or not. Drivers may be more familiar with painted crosswalks, but they should know that every intersection (or corner) is a crosswalk whether it is painted or not. VA Code 46.2-926

Careless Driving Law

Virginia law prohibits driving in a careless or distracted way that causes serious bodily injury to a vulnerable road user (such as a pedestrian). Drivers may receive a fine of up to $2,500 and one year in county jail for committing careless driving that injures a vulnerable road user. VA Code 46.2-816.1

Hands Free Law

Virginia law prohibits using any handheld communication device while driving. Drivers may receive a fine of $125 for a first offense, and a fine of $250 for a second for subsequent offense. VA Code 46.2-1078.1.

3 Feet & Passing Law

Virginia law states that drivers passing bicyclists traveling in the same direction must allow a minimum of 3 feet of space between their vehicle and the bicyclist. If the travel lane is not wide enough to allow this, the driver must change lanes. VA Code 46.2-839.

Virginia law also states that drivers shall cross a double yellow line in order to give a bicyclist at least 3 feet of space when passing. VA Code 46.2-804.

After passing, the driver shall return to the right side of the road only once clear of the passed bicycle. VA Code 46.2-839. Learn more here.

How People Driving Can Prevent Crashes:

Obey the speed limit

  • Travel the speed limit and at safe speeds for roadway conditions
  • Follow slower speed limits in school zones, neighborhoods, and parks

Be aware

  • Be aware of your surroundings and always on the lookout for pedestrians (especially children) on the side of the street. Be prepared to slow down and stop should a pedestrian step into the road.

Look for people crossing the street before turning right or left

  • Before turning right or left, look for pedestrians and stop for them.
  • When turning right on red, come to a complete stop and scan for pedestrians. Only proceed when it is clear.

Stop for pedestrians at all crosswalks, and remember some crosswalks are not painted

  • When in doubt, consider that just about every corner in Virginia is a crosswalk. While some crosswalks are painted, many are not.
  • Stop for pedestrians who have a “Walk” signal and anyone in a crosswalk. Drivers must stop even if the pedestrian is crossing once the “Walk” signal has expired.

Change lanes to pass bicyclists

  • When approaching a bicyclist (whether they are riding on the road, shoulder, or bike lane) slow down, wait until there is no oncoming traffic, then change lanes to pass, allowing at least 3 feet of space between your car and the bicycle.
  • Return to your lane only once you’re clear of the passed bicycle.
  • Change lanes even if a bike lane is present.

For Pedestrians

Crosswalk Laws for Pedestrians 

Virginia law says that pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks and at intersections. However, the law also says that pedestrians should never step into the crosswalk (painted or not) if there is not enough time for a driver to stop. While painted crosswalks are easy to see, unmarked crosswalks are not. Unmarked crosswalks exist wherever streets intersect, at the corners of the street. VA Code 46.2-924

How people walking can prevent crashes:

Be predictable

  • Cross at the corner or designated crosswalk. Drivers won’t expect you to cross mid-block without a crosswalk, and you may be held accountable for a crash if you are not in a legal crosswalk.

Expect the unexpected

  • Look both ways for right and left-turning vehicles before you cross. Cross only when it is safe to do so.

Always cross at the corner, rather than mid-block

  • If there is not a painted crosswalk mid-block, don’t cross there. Walk to the corner and cross there instead.

Follow the signals

  • Use the pushbuttons to cross, when they are available. In Roanoke, some push buttons trigger “Walk” signals, and others trigger green lights which give you the right-of-way to cross the street in the same direction of the traffic flow. 
  • Always look both ways before crossing the street.

For Bicyclists

How People Biking Can Prevent Crashes:

Be aware

  • Stop and look both ways before entering the street
  • Before turning, use hand signals and look all ways
  • Be aware of motor vehicle blind spots while riding or when stopped at an intersection

Ride defensively

  • Anticipate the actions of other road users and watch for road hazards
  • Pass vehicles with extreme care – turning vehicles may not see you
  • Exercise great caution when riding in bus traffic – watch out for buses pulling to and from curbs and passengers getting on and off buses

Mastering Road Awareness: Tips for Becoming a Safety-Conscious Driver

Every time we hit the road, we’re tasked with the responsibility of not only ensuring our own safety but also the safety of everyone around us. Being a safety-conscious driver goes beyond simply following traffic rules; it’s about continuously improving our road awareness and adopting defensive driving techniques. Here are some tips to help you become a safer and more vigilant driver:

1. Minimize Distractions

Distractions behind the wheel can be deadly. Keep your focus on the road by:

  • Putting away your phone: Avoid texting, calling, or browsing while driving.
  • Preparing before your drive: Adjust your mirrors, GPS, and climate controls before setting off.
  • Avoiding multitasking: Don’t eat, groom yourself, or reach for items that can divert your attention from driving.
  • Stay present and calm: Keep your mind on driving. If you’re emotionally distraught, wait to take the trip until you’re feeling calm.

2. Stay Alert and Aware

Being attentive is key to anticipating and reacting to potential hazards. Practice the following:

  • Scan your surroundings: Continuously check your mirrors and be aware of other people driving, walking, and bicycling around you.
  • Watch for signs: Pay attention to traffic signals, speed limits, signs, and road markings to anticipate changes in road conditions. Remember, every corner is a crosswalk whether it’s painted or not.
  • Use your senses: Listen for sirens, bike bells, honking horns, and other auditory cues that may indicate potential dangers.

3. Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving techniques can help you avoid collisions and navigate challenging situations safely.

  • Maintain a safe following distance: Keep a cushion of space between your vehicle and the one ahead to allow for reaction time.
  • Anticipate the actions of others: Be prepared for sudden lane changes, turns, and stops by staying alert to other people driving and biking, as well as people of all ages on sidewalks or crossing the street.
  • Yield the right of way: When in doubt, yield to other drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists to prevent conflicts and ensure safety.

4. Plan Ahead and Be Patient

Rushing to get to your destination can lead to reckless driving behavior. Instead, plan your trips and allow extra time for your journey.

  • Plan your route: Familiarize yourself with your route and potential traffic delays ahead of your drive to plan your day.
  • Relax and be patient: Stay calm in traffic, when sharing the road with people bicycling, and when near people walking, and avoid aggressive maneuvers that could endanger yourself and others.

By implementing these tips and adopting a safety-first mindset, you can become a more conscientious and responsible driver. Let’s work together to make our roads safer for everyone.

Learn more about Roanoke’s traffic safety laws at

Keeping Our Roads Safe: A Guide to Reporting Traffic Safety Issues

Ensuring the safety of our roads is a collective effort that requires the active participation of community members like you. If you encounter traffic safety issues, such as unsafe driving behaviors, damaged road signs, or inadequate street lighting, it’s essential to report them promptly to the city authorities. By reporting traffic safety issues promptly and professionally, you play a crucial role in helping the city maintain safe and functional roadways. Your involvement enables city officials to address problems swiftly and implement solutions to enhance road safety for everyone. Here’s a guide on how you can contribute to maintaining safety on our streets:

1. Identify the Issue

Before reporting a traffic safety concern, clearly identify the problem you’ve observed. This could include:

  • Reckless or aggressive driving behavior
  • Near miss information (e.g., crashes that almost occurred between various road users)
  • Damaged or obstructed roadway
  • Damaged or missing road signs
  • Malfunctioning traffic signals
  • Poor street lighting or visibility issues
  • Pollution or debris on sidewalks, in crosswalks, or in roadways

2. Collect Relevant Information

Gather as much information as possible about the issue, including:

  • Location: Note the specific street address or intersection where the problem occurred.
  • Description: Provide details about the nature of the issue, such as the type of unsafe driving behavior or the condition of the road signs.
  • Time and Date: Note the date and time when you observed the issue, as this information can be helpful for city officials in addressing the problem.

3. Report to the City

Once you’ve gathered the necessary information, report the traffic safety issue to the appropriate city department.

In Roanoke, you can typically report these issues directly to the city’s Transportation Division or the Roanoke City Police Department. If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.

For non-emergency situations, you can report traffic safety issues through various channels, including:

  1. Submit a form
    1. Using the iRoanoke app, which allow for prompt delivery to the responsible department
    2. Fill out reporting forms on the city’s website
    3. Submit an Online Police Report
  2. Contact the relevant city department
    1. Email the Transportation Division
    2. Transportation Division Phone: 540-853-2676 (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
    3. 24/7 Non-Emergency Police Phone Number: (540) 344-6681
    4. Email the Roanoke City Police

4. Follow Up

After reporting the issue, you can follow up with the appropriate city department to ensure that your report has been received and addressed. Provide any additional information or updates that may be requested by city officials.

5. Encourage Community Involvement

Spread awareness within your community in person and on social media about the importance of reporting traffic safety issues. Encourage neighbors and fellow residents to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and reporting road safety problems.

More Information

Together, we can make a positive impact on the safety of our roads and create a community where everyone can travel safely.

Learn more about Roanoke’s traffic safety laws at

If you have questions or concerns about traffic safety in your neighborhood, contact Rob Issem, Complete Streets & Vision Zero Coordinator (

Understanding Crosswalk Laws in Roanoke

As the vibrant heart of Virginia’s Blue Ridge, Roanoke is bustling with activity day in and day out. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of everyone on our streets, whether you’re behind the wheel or taking a stroll.

First and foremost, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with Virginia’s crosswalk laws to navigate our streets safely and legally. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Every Corner is a Crosswalk: Virginia law requires drivers to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk, whether it is painted or not. Drivers may be more familiar with painted crosswalks, but they should know that every intersection (or corner) is a crosswalk whether it is painted or not (VA Code 46.2-926).
  2. Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks: If a pedestrian is already within a crosswalk, regardless of whether marked or unmarked, drivers are required by law to come to a complete stop and allow them to cross safely.
  3. Pedestrian Signals: When traffic signals are in place at a crosswalk, pedestrians must adhere to the signals indicating when it’s safe to cross. Drivers must also obey these signals, yielding to pedestrians when the signal permits them to cross. Drivers must stop even if the pedestrian is crossing once the “Walk” signal has expired.

Tips for Drivers

  • Stay Alert: Always be vigilant for pedestrians, especially near crosswalks, schools, and busy intersections. Avoid distractions such as texting or adjusting the radio while driving.
  • Reduce Speed: Slow down when approaching crosswalks to give yourself ample time to react to pedestrians who may be crossing or waiting to cross.
  • Be Patient: If a pedestrian is crossing the street, wait patiently until they have safely reached the other side before proceeding.

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Make Eye Contact: When possible, make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the crosswalk to ensure they see you and are aware of your intention to cross.
  • Use Designated Crosswalks: Cross the street whenever feasible using marked crosswalks. If no marked crosswalk is available, cross at intersections and yield to oncoming traffic.

Understanding the Effects of Speeding and Speeding Laws in Roanoke

Obeying speed limits and driving at safe speeds for road conditions is the top priority for drivers to keep people walking and biking safe in Roanoke. Speeding is a serious issue that affects the safety of our roads and carries significant consequences for people biking, walking, and driving. Let’s delve into the effects of speeding and Roanoke’s speeding laws to explore the impacts and repercussions.

Speeding and Safety

Speeding increases a vehicle’s stopping distances, limiting a driver’s ability to react quickly when needed. When a person walking or biking is struck by a vehicle, it’s likely to result in injury or death.

  • Roanoke’s deadly crashes caused by speeding doubled during the pandemic.
  • When a person walking is hit by a driver traveling 20 mph, nine out of ten survive.[1]
  • When a person walking is hit by a driver traveling 40 mph, only two out of ten survive.1

Understanding Roanoke’s Speeding Laws

In Virginia, speeding laws are made and enforced to support road safety. Here’s what people driving in Roanoke need to know:

  1. Speed Limits: A speed limit is the maximum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions. These limits are set based on road conditions, traffic flow, and surrounding areas. You may drive slower than the speed limit if you don’t impede the normal movement of traffic, but it is illegal to drive any faster.
    • School Zones: The maximum speed limit is 15 MPH in most school zones in the City of Roanoke. Drivers may receive a fine of up to $250 if they exceed the speed limit in a school zone. (VA Code 46.2-873.) Learn more about school zones here.
  2. Penalties for Speeding: Violating speed limits can result in fines, may result in points on your driving record, and even license suspension or revocation, depending on the severity of the offense.
    • Reckless Driving: Any person who drives a vehicle on any highway recklessly or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person can be found guilty of reckless driving, which is a criminal offense in Virginia. Reckless driving carries severe penalties, including hefty fines, license suspension, and even jail time. (VA Code 46.2-852).

Community Consequences of Speeding

The repercussions of speeding extend beyond just paying a ticket. Studies show that Roanoke youth activity levels are below average. This is thought to be due to various factors, including neighborhood culture, which is heavily impacted by the behaviors and safety of a neighborhood.

The 2019 Roanoke Valley Community Healthy Living Index indicated only 64% of families perceived their neighborhood as being safe for children to engage in physical activities outdoors in the daytime, including walking and biking. Speeding was among the most commonly reported safety concerns.

Financial Consequences for Drivers

  1. Fines: Speeding tickets in Virginia can range from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars, depending on how much you exceed the speed limit.
  2. Court Fees: If you contest the ticket in court, you may incur additional court costs and legal fees.
  3. Insurance Premiums: A speeding conviction can cause your auto insurance premiums to skyrocket. Insurance companies often view speeding violations as indicators of risky driving behavior, leading to higher rates.
  4. Points on Driving Record: Speeding tickets typically result in demerit points being added to your driving record. Accumulating too many points within a certain time frame can lead to license suspension or revocation.
  5. Reckless Driving Charges: If your speeding is deemed reckless, the financial penalties can be significantly more severe, including substantial fines and potential criminal record implications.

Stay Safe, Slow Down

Ultimately, the best way to avoid the financial and safety risks associated with speeding is to obey posted speed limits, drive at a safe and reasonable speed, and always remain attentive behind the wheel.

These behaviors make our roads safer and help Roanoke citizens feel more comfortable staying active by walking and biking around town.

Let’s work together to make Roanoke’s roads safer for everyone by respecting speed limits and prioritizing safety above all else.

[1] US Department of Transportation, Literature Reviewed on Vehicle Travel Speeds and Pedestrian Injuries. March 2000.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this campaign or traffic safety in your neighborhood, contact:

Rob Issem, Complete Streets & Vision Zero Coordinator

Related Updates

The City of Roanoke is working on several infrastructure projects to upgrade pedestrian facilities throughout the city.

Announcing Brandon Avenue Safety Improvements Project
Receiving 2021 with new pedestrian intersection updates throughout Downtown

Announcing the 2020 Color your Corner Art Contest Winners
This is Luanne Rife’s story, whose life was forever changed after being struck by a driver while walking in a crosswalk.

New Crosswalk Signal Downtown Roanoke

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

The following intersections will be improved with pedestrian pushbuttons and countdown beacons, ADA and paving marking upgrades

  1. Bullitt Avenue SE and 9th Street SE
  2. Williamson Road NW and Epperly Avenue NW
  3. Williamson Road NW and Truman Ave NW
  4. S Jefferson Street and Bullitt Ave SW
  5. Campbell Avenue SW and 3rd Street SW
  6. Elm Avenue SW and Franklin Road

The following intersections in Downtown Roanoke will be upgraded with audible pedestrian countdown beacons.

  1. Campbell Avenue and 1st Street
  2. Campbell Avenue and 2nd Street
  3. Church Avenue and 1st Street
  4. Franklin Road and 1st Street
  5. Franklin Road and 2nd Street
  6. Jefferson Street and Salem Avenue
  7. Jefferson Street and Campbell Avenue
  8. Jefferson Street and Church Avenue
  9. Jefferson Street and Franklin Road
  10. Salem Avenue and 1st Street
  11. Salem Avenue and 2nd Street
  12. Williamson Road and Campbell Avenue
  13. Williamson Road and Church Avenue
  14. Williamson Road and Franklin Road

A new Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon will be installed at the intersection of Williamson Road SE and Bullitt Avenue SE

Leading Pedestrian Intervals


Change Lanes to Pass Frequently Asked Questions

The 2024 Keep Each Other campaign aims to reduce the number of pedestrians involved in crashes by increasing driver adherence to crosswalk laws and speed limits.

The campaign ran 6 weeks, starting June 10, 2024, and ending July 21, 2024.

  1. Order Materials: Campaign yard signs and posters are available for pick-up through our online form. 
  2. Stay in the Loop: Sign up for our email list for updates and visit our website for timely traffic safety education.  

The speed limit for elementary and middle school zones in the City of Roanoke is 15 mph on neighborhood roads or 25 mph on arterial (busier) roads. School zones will be marked by a speed limit sign with the hours posted and may have a flashing light to indicate when the reduced speed is in effect. Drivers may receive a fine of up to $250 if they exceed the speed limit in a school zone. VA Code 46.2-873 

Be aware of the possible presence of bicyclists and pedestrians, even if a sidewalk or lane markings are not present. Slow down and pass when the road ahead is clear and there is no oncoming traffic, being careful to give 3 feet of space between yourself and the bicyclist. 

Stop signs may often seem like a good solution to neighborhood speeding, but traffic studies and experience show that using stop signs to control speeding doesn’t necessarily work. Drivers increase their speed between signs. Some drivers tend to accelerate rapidly after a stop. Most drivers reach their top speed within 100 feet of a stop sign. (Source: Portland Bureau of Transportation) 

Yes. Virginia law requires people driving to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk, whether it is painted or not. Drivers may be more familiar with painted crosswalks, but they should know that every intersection (or corner) is a crosswalk whether it is painted or not. VA Code 46.2-926  

While you’re here…

We are currently seeking community feedback for the following projects. Please take a minute and share your ideas!

Home Safe

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Heat Ready Roanoke

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Accessory Apartments/ADUs

What is an Accessory Apartment? An accessory apartment, also known as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), is an independent, residential living area that is on the same property as a larger, primary dwelling [...]

Traffic Safety Campaigns

Together we can keep each other safe Every year, too many pedestrians are involved in crashes or close calls with cars. Walking and biking in Roanoke should be safe, not scary. Drivers slowing down [...]

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